Staying healthy through fall and winter


A snippet from this week's team newsletter:
Health - Water
- From Tier 10 to Tier 1, water is EXTREMELY important. Here are some recommended amounts of daily water consumption:
>> 8-and-unders: 1/3-1/2 gallon
>> 9-12 year olds: 1/2-3/4 gallon
>> 13-and-overs: 3/4-1 gallon
>> Senior elites: 1 gallon
Health - Sweaty Armpits
- We tell our senior swimmers that we'd like for them to have sweaty armpits during the colder months of October-March
- It sounds a little gross but has been very effective at ensuring their body temperatures are kept at a stable place so they are less susceptible to sickness
Swimmers should be wearing enough warm clothes at all times that their arm pits stay sweaty. Treat your swimmers' arm pits like gauges for correct body sickness-preventing temperature.